Medicines for Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
1 - 50 of 2079 results
Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
- Medicine name
Powdered Red Ginseng
- Active ingredient
- Red Ginseng
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TEIKOKU Keishibukuryoganryo Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝茯苓丸エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Teikoku Kampo Seiyaku Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TEIKOKU Shoseiryuto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 小青竜湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Teikoku Kampo Seiyaku Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Powdered Red Ginseng
- Active ingredient
- Red Ginseng
- Manufacturer
- Takasago Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Powdered Gastrodia Tuber
- Active ingredient
- Gastrodia Tuber
- Manufacturer
- Takasago Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
OHSUGI Orengedokuto Extract Granules G
- Active ingredient
- 黄連解毒湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- OHSUGI Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
OHSUGI Orengedokuto Extract T tablets
- Active ingredient
- 黄連解毒湯エキス錠
- Manufacturer
- OHSUGI Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
OHSUGI Kamikihito Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 加味帰脾湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- OHSUGI Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
OHSUGI Kamishoyosan Extract Granules G
- Active ingredient
- 加味逍遙散エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- OHSUGI Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JUNKOU Kihito FC Extract Fine Granules for Ethical Use
- Active ingredient
- 帰脾湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kowa Yakutsu
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
OHSUGI Keishito Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- OHSUGI Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JUNKOU Keishikashakuyakuto FC Extract Fine Granules for Ethical Use
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝加芍薬湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kowa Yakutsu
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JUNKOU Keishibukuryoganryo FC Extract Fine Granules for Ethical Use
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝茯苓丸エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kowa Yakutsu
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
OHSUGI Keishibukuryoganryo Extract Granule
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝茯苓丸エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- OHSUGI Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JUNKOU Saikokaryukotsuboreito FC Extract Fine Granules for Ethical Use
- Active ingredient
- 柴胡加竜骨牡蛎湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kowa Yakutsu
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JUNKOU Shakuyakukanzoto FC Extract Fine Granules for Ethical Use
- Active ingredient
- 芍薬甘草湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kowa Yakutsu
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
OHSUGI Shoseiryuto Extract T tablets
- Active ingredient
- 小青竜湯エキス錠
- Manufacturer
- OHSUGI Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JUNKOU Seishinrenshiin FC Extract Fine Granules for Ethical Use
- Active ingredient
- 清心蓮子飲エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kowa Yakutsu
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
OHSUGI Daiokanzoto Extract Granule
- Active ingredient
- 大黄甘草湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- OHSUGI Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JUNKOU Daisaikoto FC Extract Fine Granules for Ethical Use
- Active ingredient
- 大柴胡湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kowa Yakutsu
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JUNKOU Tokishakuyakusanryo FC Extract Fine Granules for Ethical Use
- Active ingredient
- 当帰芍薬散エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kowa Yakutsu
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
SANWA Tokishakuyakusankabushi Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 当帰芍薬散加附子エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
OHSUGI Ninjinyoeito Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 人参養栄湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- OHSUGI Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JUNKOU Bakumondoto FC Extract Fine Granules for Ethical Use
- Active ingredient
- 麦門冬湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kowa Yakutsu
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JUNKOU Hangekobokuto FC Extract Fine Granules for Ethical Use
- Active ingredient
- 半夏厚朴湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kowa Yakutsu
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JUNKOU Makyokansekito FC Extract Fine Granules for Ethical Use
- Active ingredient
- 麻杏甘石湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kowa Yakutsu
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
OHSUGI Ryokeijutsukanto Extract TG
- Active ingredient
- 苓桂朮甘湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- OHSUGI Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
OHSUGI Kakobushi Matsu
- Active ingredient
- Processed Aconite Root
- Manufacturer
- Takasago Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Kracie Inchinkoto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 茵ちん蒿湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kracie,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Kracie Otsujito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 乙字湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kracie,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Kracie Kakkontokasenkyushin'i Extract Tablets
- Active ingredient
- 葛根湯加川きゅう辛夷エキス錠
- Manufacturer
- Ominedo Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Kracie Kamikihito Extract Tablets
- Active ingredient
- 加味帰脾湯エキス錠
- Manufacturer
- Ominedo Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Kracie Keishikashakuyakuto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝加芍薬湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kracie,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Kracie Keishibukuryoganryo Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝茯苓丸エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kracie,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Kracie Gokoto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 五虎湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kracie,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Kracie Saibokuto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 柴朴湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Ominedo Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Kracie Shimotsuto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 四物湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kracie,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Kracie Shosaikoto Extract Tablets
- Active ingredient
- 小柴胡湯エキス錠
- Manufacturer
- Ominedo Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Kracie Tokakujokito Extract Tablets
- Active ingredient
- 桃核承気湯エキス錠
- Manufacturer
- Ominedo Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Uchida's Hachimigan M Pills
- Active ingredient
- 八味丸
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Kracie Hachimijioganryo Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 八味地黄丸エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kracie,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Kracie Hangekobokuto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 半夏厚朴湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kracie,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
- Active ingredient
- Fennel
- Manufacturer
- Tsumura & Co.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Corydalis Tuber
- Active ingredient
- Corydalis Tuber
- Manufacturer
- Tsumura & Co.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Polygala Root
- Active ingredient
- Polygala Root
- Manufacturer
- Tsumura & Co.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Trichosanthes Seed
- Active ingredient
- Trichosanthes Seed
- Manufacturer
- Tsumura & Co.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
- Active ingredient
- Glycyrrhiza
- Manufacturer
- Tsumura & Co.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Platycodon Root
- Active ingredient
- Platycodon Root
- Manufacturer
- Tsumura & Co.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Immature Orange
- Active ingredient
- Immature Orange
- Manufacturer
- Tsumura & Co.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Burdock Fruit
- Active ingredient
- Burdock Fruit
- Manufacturer
- Tsumura & Co.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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