Medicines for Traditional Chinese medicines
601 - 627 of 627 results
Traditional Chinese medicines
- Medicine name
TEIKOKU Maoto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 麻黄湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Teikoku Kampo Seiyaku Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JPS Kakkonto Extract Granules for Dispensing Use
- Active ingredient
- 葛根湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- JPS Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JPS San'oshashinto Extract Granules for Dispensing Use
- Active ingredient
- 三黄瀉心湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- JPS Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JPS Shoseiryuto Extract Granules for Dispensing Use
- Active ingredient
- 小青竜湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- JPS Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JPS Choreito Extract Granules for Dispensing Use
- Active ingredient
- 猪苓湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- JPS Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JPS Hangekobokuto Extract Granules for Dispensing Use
- Active ingredient
- 半夏厚朴湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- JPS Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JPS Makyoyokukanto Extract Granules for Dispensing Use
- Active ingredient
- 麻杏よく甘湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- JPS Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JPS Ryokeijutsukanto Extract Granules for Dispensing Use
- Active ingredient
- 苓桂朮甘湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- JPS Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Anchusanryo Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 安中散エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Unseiin Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 温清飲エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Keishikaogito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝加黄耆湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Goreisanryo Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 五苓散エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Shikunshito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 四君子湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Choreito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 猪苓湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Hangeshashinto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 半夏瀉心湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Hochuekkito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 補中益気湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Rikkunshito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 六君子湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Ryokeijutsukanto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 苓桂朮甘湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Kamishoyosan Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 加味逍遙散エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no San'oshashinto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 三黄瀉心湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Shimotsuto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 四物湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Choreito Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 猪苓湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Tsudosan Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 通導散エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Hangeshashinto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 半夏瀉心湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Boiogito Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 防已黄耆湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Ryutanshakanto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 竜胆瀉肝湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Ryokeijutsukanto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 苓桂朮甘湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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