Medicines by Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
1 - 50 of 88 results
Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.

- Medicine name
KOTARO Kyukikyogaito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- きゅう帰膠艾湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Kumibinroto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 九味檳榔湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Keishito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Keishikajutsubuto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝加朮附湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Goshuyuto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 呉茱萸湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Saikoseikanto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 柴胡清肝湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO San'oshashinto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 三黄瀉心湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Shishihakuhito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 梔子柏皮湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Jumihaidokuto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 十味敗毒湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Shoseiryuto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 小青竜湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Shimbuto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 真武湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Daijokito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 大承気湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Hachimiganryo Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 八味丸エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Maoto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 麻黄湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Inchinkoto Extract Capsules
- Active ingredient
- 茵ちん蒿湯エキスカプセル
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Kakkonto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 葛根湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Kamishoyosan Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 加味逍遙散エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Kososan Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 香蘇散エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Saikokeishikankyoto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 柴胡桂枝乾姜湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Shakanzoto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 炙甘草湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Shosaikoto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 小柴胡湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Shofusan Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 消風散エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Shin'iseihaito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 辛夷清肺湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Daisaikokyodaioto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 大柴胡湯去大黄エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Tokakujokito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 桃核承気湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Byakkokaninjinto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 白虎加人参湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Bukuryoin Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 茯苓飲エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Makyoyokukanto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 麻杏よく甘湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Ryokankyomishingeninto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 苓甘姜味辛夏仁湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Yokuinin Extract Tablets "KOTARO"
- Active ingredient
- Yokuinin Extract
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Goshakusan Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 五積散エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Saikanto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 柴陥湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Saikokaryukotsuboreito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 柴胡加竜骨牡蛎湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Saikokeishito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 柴胡桂枝湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Juzentaihoto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 十全大補湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Shokenchuto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 小建中湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Tokishakuyakusanryo Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 当帰芍薬散エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Ninjin'yoeito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 人参養栄湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Hainosankyuto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 排膿散及湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Bakumondoto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 麦門冬湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Hangekobokuto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 半夏厚朴湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Hangeshashinto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 半夏瀉心湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Boiogito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 防已黄耆湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Hochuekkito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 補中益気湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Makyokansekito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 麻杏甘石湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Mokuboito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 木防已湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Ryutanshakanto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 竜胆瀉肝湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
KOTARO Ryokeijutsukanto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 苓桂朮甘湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Kotarokampo no Hobushi Matsu
- Active ingredient
- Processed Aconite Root
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Yokuinin Extract Powder "KOTARO"
- Active ingredient
- Yokuinin Extract
- Manufacturer
- Kotaro pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Filter by category:
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
- Filter by tag:
- Powerful drug
- Brand
- Filter by active ingredient:
- Processed Aconite Root
- Yokuinin Extract