Medicines for Traditional Chinese medicines
201 - 250 of 627 results
Traditional Chinese medicines
- Medicine name
Honzo Keishikashakuyakuto Extract Granules - M
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝加芍薬湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Honzo Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Honzo San'oshashinto Extract Granules - M
- Active ingredient
- 三黄瀉心湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Honzo Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Honzo Daisaikoto Extract Granules - M
- Active ingredient
- 大柴胡湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Honzo Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Honzo Tokakujokito Extract Granules - M
- Active ingredient
- 桃核承気湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Honzo Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Honzo Heiisanryo Extract Granules - M
- Active ingredient
- 平胃散エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Honzo Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Honzo Boiogito Extract Granules - M
- Active ingredient
- 防已黄耆湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Honzo Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Honzo Yokuininto Extract Granules - M
- Active ingredient
- よく苡仁湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Honzo Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Honzo Rikkunshito Extract Granules - M
- Active ingredient
- 六君子湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Honzo Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Honzo Ryokeijutsukanto Extract Granules - M
- Active ingredient
- 苓桂朮甘湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Honzo Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JPS Anchusanryo Extract Granules for Dispensing Use
- Active ingredient
- 安中散エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- JPS Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JPS Orengedokuto Extract Granules for Dispensing Use
- Active ingredient
- 黄連解毒湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- JPS Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JPS Otsujito Extract Granules for Dispensing Use
- Active ingredient
- 乙字湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- JPS Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JPS Keishibukuryoganryo Extract Granules for Dispensing Use
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝茯苓丸エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- JPS Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JPS Shosaikoto Extract Granules for Dispensing Use
- Active ingredient
- 小柴胡湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- JPS Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JPS Hangeshashinto Extract Granules for Dispensing Use
- Active ingredient
- 半夏瀉心湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- JPS Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JPS Boiogito Extract Granules for Dispensing Use
- Active ingredient
- 防已黄耆湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- JPS Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JPS Hochuekkito Extract Granules for Dispensing Use
- Active ingredient
- 補中益気湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- JPS Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TEIKOKU Shimotsuto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 四物湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Teikoku Kampo Seiyaku Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TEIKOKU Daiobotampito Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 大黄牡丹皮湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Teikoku Kampo Seiyaku Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TEIKOKU Bakumondoto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 麦門冬湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Teikoku Kampo Seiyaku Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TEIKOKU Hangekobokuto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 半夏厚朴湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Teikoku Kampo Seiyaku Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TEIKOKU Byakkokaninjinto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 白虎加人参湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Teikoku Kampo Seiyaku Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Otsujito Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 乙字湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Keishibukuryoganryo Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝茯苓丸エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Saikanto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 柴陥湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Sokeikakketsuto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 疎経活血湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Daisaikoto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 大柴胡湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Ninjinto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 人参湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Hochuekkito Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 補中益気湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TAIKODO no Ryutanshakanto Extract Powder
- Active ingredient
- 竜胆瀉肝湯エキス散
- Manufacturer
- Taikoseido
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Ogikenchuto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 黄耆建中湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Orento Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 黄連湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Kamishoyosan Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 加味逍遙散エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Keishikakobokukyoninto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝加厚朴杏仁湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Keishikashakuyakuto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝加芍薬湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Keimakakuhanto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 桂麻各半湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Shakuyakukanzoto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 芍薬甘草湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Juzentaihoto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 十全大補湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Jumihaidokuto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 十味敗毒湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Shimpito Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 神秘湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Seishinrenshiin Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 清心蓮子飲エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Daisaikoto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 大柴胡湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Ninjinto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- 人参湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
Toyo Yokuininto Extract Fine Granules
- Active ingredient
- よく苡仁湯エキス細粒
- Manufacturer
- Toyo-yakuko Co., Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TEIKOKU Unseiin Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 温清飲エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Teikoku Kampo Seiyaku Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TEIKOKU Kakkonto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 葛根湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Teikoku Kampo Seiyaku Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TEIKOKU Keishito Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Teikoku Kampo Seiyaku Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TEIKOKU Keishikashakuyakuto Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 桂枝加芍薬湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Teikoku Kampo Seiyaku Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
TEIKOKU Saikokeishito Extract Granules
- Active ingredient
- 柴胡桂枝湯エキス顆粒
- Manufacturer
- Teikoku Kampo Seiyaku Co.,Ltd.
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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- Medicine name
JUNKOU Kamishoyosan FC Extract Tablets for Ethical Use
- Active ingredient
- 加味逍遙散エキス錠
- Manufacturer
- Kowa Yakutsu
- Category
- Crude drugs and Chinese medicine formulations
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